How to care for a dog basic things to know.

1. Do not raising a puppy on slippery areas such as polished marble floor tiles, etc. It will make a dog leg unappealing Dog Leg will be divided into the stands was similar to that instability.

2. Do not bath the dog at the age of 3 months, if not to feel dirty cloth, wipe the hair out of water is enough. If inevitable, really. Bath and then quickly wipe and blow dry. Wait a dog will catch a cold.

3. Should maintain the dog's mouth and teeth. Do not bite nibble solid, too. Moment is not strong teeth. Should find a dog gnawing bone grafts to play. Remove bones and white format, with a fluoride with teeth will be cleaned in a dog.

4. When the dog began as a young girl (age 7-8 months) Do not hurry to breed. Because dogs are not mature May stop growth and cause a small Then it could be abortion or the baby is not perfect.

5. When the dog starts to start growing hair loss. Do not be surprised that a dog's natural growth.

6. Food should be a pellet. Because of convenience. If the ordinary food (homemade) the dog is eating, then do not eat grain. Not true because the gnawing bones take a moment to stab the dog bladder neck is easily installed.

7. Vaccinated and shoot parasites. Tables should follow the veterinarian recommended.

8. Watch out! Do not let the puppy duck under the enclosure. Or a dog under the bed. Because of the risk to get stuck being pressed or the line after accident damage. (Spine is curved.)

เขียนโดย paphada วันอังคารที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

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